
Breakfast of CHAMPIONS!!!!

Sooooo, I didn't wake up feeling like P.Diddy because 1. the Spurs lost & 2. I indulged a little too much yesterday, but man the food was delish! Anyways, whenever I wake up feeling like a total fatty & not ready to take on the day I decide to whip up a batch of my healthy yet super delish OATMEAL and my day turns from BLAH to ^.^ !!

Shopping List

  • Silk Coconut Milk (Vanilla, Unsweetened, or any nut (almond) or dairy milk)
  • Bob's Red Mill GF Quick Cooking Oats
  • Wholesome Sweeteners Light Agave 
  • Optional add-ins (My fav. listed below) 
    • Fruit: Bananas, Apples, Berries
    • Nuts: Slivered Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans
    • Dried Coconut
    • Powdered Cinnamon 
** Serving size is 1/2 cup dry oats= 1 cup cooked oatmeal. 

Let's get Cookin'
  1. Bring 2 cups of water and 1 tablespoon of agave to a boil over medium-high heat.
  2. Once the water is boiling, lower temperature & add in 1 cup of Quick Cooking Oats. Stir Stir Stir!! 
  3. Cook for 3-5 minutes, then add in 1 cup of milk. Keep on low heat for another 3-5 minutes.
  4. Place oatmeal in your fav. bowl & Enjoy as is or add-in some delish fruit or nuts!! 
Favorite Oatmeal Combo (recipe courtesy of my bestie Ash)
1 mashed Banana
Sprinkle of Cinnamon
Topped with silvered almonds (I love the crunch!!)  

Banana Cinnamon 
Plain Coconut Milk Oatmeal

Heres to happy mornings & lazy summer days!!


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