
So it begins...

     After months of wanting to document my journey & friends begging for my recipes...the time has come, from my kitchen to yours I will be delivering scrumptious allergen friendly recipes plus anything else that I fancy on a daily basis. I've always enjoyed cooking and baking for family and friends and I'm a people pleaser by nature. Putting a smile on others faces through food gives me a high that even pot smokers would envy!
     About 3 years ago I was diagnosed with having multiple food allergies including gluten, dairy, lemon, honey, cucumber, sesame seeds ,and shellfish (now you know what can kill me :/). I know the first question is "What the hell is there left for you to eat?" Through this blog, I'm hoping to show you that having multiple food allergies did not limit what I could eat, it did just the opposite. Through research, I've found I do best consuming grass-fed/natural chicken and beef, organic veggies/ fruits, but of course my pantry still contains those not-so-good for you gluten free (gf) products (ie. chips, cookies, waffles,etc). 
    As a former college student, I had to learn to make fast,healthy, delish meals that would deliver the essential nutrients I needed throughout the day at school, which propelled me into the life of meal prepping. Now out of school, I have no real need to meal prep because I have the time to enjoy a freshly made meal; however, I still find that meal prepping allows me to know exactly how much food I am eating throughout the day, plus it helps me make healthier food choices. Instead of reaching for that mocha chocolate cupcake ill choose a baggie of my trail mix (yum..so satisfying..said no one ever!). 
     Now that I basically told you my whole life story, I hope you will enjoy cooking and baking my recipes as much as I do and bring a smile to your kitch from mine!


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